
Oi Amor.

I didn't find time to buy you card...

So I made you one.

Merry Christmas, Gatinha.

Every time I look at you I still wonder how I got so lucky to find you and get you to marry me. You fill my heart with so much love. This Christmas marks a year from when we first got together and I could not be happier.

So much has happened since then. We bought a house. We remodeled our bathroom. We went to Mississippi. We learned how to backpack and climb. We did a little snowboarding. We camped, we hiked. We got married. Minha esposa 🥰. We went to Glacier NP. We ate a few pizzas. We bought a few plants. And so much more. It has been the best year of my life.

I can't wait to see what the new year brings us, the adventures we go on, and life we create.

I love you muitíssimo,


A short video.

And some photos...

Our first Christmas.